Not surprisingly, writing has always been an important part of my life.  I was that elementary school kid whose essay won the big writing contest, that high school kid who took a speed-reading class so I could devour even more books, that college kid who got published when a literature professor sent my treatise to Random House.

Then, fresh out of school, I began a productive and highly rewarding 17-year career in marketing communications for Atlas World Group.  As part of my job, I published and wrote for magazines and websites, which had me meeting and interviewing interesting people: Katie Couric, Henry Kissinger, Larry King, Madeleine Albright, George Will, President Gerald Ford, Sam Donaldson, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Coach Lou Holtz and many others.

The interviewing, writing and publishing were what I most enjoyed, and several of my articles and publications went on to earn national awards from organizations such as the Public Relations Society of America, American Advertising Federation and International Association of Business Communicators.

One of those awards led to me being interviewed for what quickly became a New York Times bestseller, Hyperwars: 11 Strategies for Survival and Profit in the Era of Online Business.  While working with the author, Bruce Judson, I seriously considered writing full-time, but chose instead to take my marketing communications career to the next level with consulting.

Over the next few years I consulted for Siemens AG and then for Sotheby’s.  Yet, just as it was before, I soon found myself gravitating toward the areas of my work that involved researching, interviewing, writing, editing and getting published.

No longer able to deny it, I finally gave in to my passion and transitioned to writer and editor.

(In 2019, Jim Huth’s co-authored Your Incredible Liver received a Purple Dragonfly Book Award. That book will be published in April 2020. In 2017, Jim Huth’s co-authored Your Awesome Brain became a bestseller after receiving two Purple Dragonfly Book Awards. In 2016, Clos de Paris, which he edited, became a bestseller. In 2015 and 2014, his co-authored Your Amazing Heart became a bestseller after receiving a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award, while Your Best Investment, which he edited, received a Living Now Book Award.)